Signs of a weak petrol pump and methods for checking them

When the petrol pump is damaged or weak in the car, and like other parts, it will suffer from a set of problems and symptoms, and through it we can know the condition of the pump and the extent of the defect that may have afflicted it, and today and with God’s will we will try through this topic to inventory the most important signs of weakness in the car’s petrol pump and how to examine it Also.

1 – Signs of a weak petrol pump
In most of the symptoms or signs that appear when the petrol pump is damaged in the car, you will notice that when it appears there are changes in the performance of the engine because of it, and therefore your car needs maintenance and the most important of these signs are as follows:

The first sign: The engine has stopped suddenly
In some cases, your car’s engine may stop working and after turning it on, it may return to work again after one or several attempts, and in other cases it may not return to work and the reason is damage to the gasoline pump in your car, and here in this case you need to change it and to make sure you must check whether the fuel reaches The engine first, and if the fuel does not arrive here, you must make sure that the electricity reaches the pump and is it running first.

The second sign: a note of engine vibration and torque weakness
When the petrol pump is weak, it will result in an abnormal vibration in the car’s engine, especially when the car is running while it is stopped, and a weakness in the car’s torque is also noticed due to the failure of the petrol pump to be properly pumped into the engine.

The third sign: difficulty operating the car and choppy engine performance
When there is a malfunction in the fuel supply coming to the car engine, due to a weak petrol pump, this will lead to a break in the engine’s performance and also may cause difficulty and delay in starting the car’s engine.

2 – How to check the petrol pump in the car

The way to check the petrol pump in a car is as follows:

First: Make sure whether or not the fuel reaches the engine, by loosening one of the tubes coming from the fuel tank to the engine, which we find connected with clamp clips, after which the switch must be managed and here if the fuel comes out of the tube, the pump is working fine, but if the fuel does not come out The pump does not work and does not push the fuel, and here it is necessary to check the fuse box and ensure the safety of the relay by changing it. If the pump usually works, the problem is in the relay, and if it does not work, we proceed to check the fuse and ensure its safety.

Second: If we find everything good, then we pass to unscrew the negative battery finger, and head to the fuel tank. In most cars, we find the entrance to the pump under the back chairs of the car. Here we disassemble the plug for connecting electricity to the pump and check it well, especially the teeth inside the plug and make sure of Its safety.

Then, if you find everything is good, clean the plug well and return the negative pole of the battery to its place and try to start the car. If it does not work, remove the plug again, and bring a meter or small lamp to make sure that electricity reaches the pump through that plug, turn the switch until The dashboard lights are on and check the plug if there is no electricity, the problem is in the connections, and if you find the electricity connected, the problem is naturally in the pump and here it needs to be repaired or changed.

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