Causes of clogged sprays and how to clean them

The results of poor maintenance include clogging of sprays and the accumulation of carbon on their body, which leads to many problems. Fuel pumping systems have evolved over the years, so we first had a carburetor, then a regular fuel injector, and now a Direct Injection fuel spray, which injects fuel directly into the combustion chambers in every cylinder, and in this article we will review with you the causes of dirty atomizers And ways to clean them, and important tips for preserving them.

Why clean the nebulizer
Direct injection engines appeared for the first time in sports and high-performance cars, but today, they are common in most cars and vans as well, so clean engine sprays are essential for proper operation. Here are the top benefits of cleaning a sprayer:

  • Removing carbon and dirt from the fuel injector
  • Restores engine torque and power
  • Vibration and noise from the engine disappear
  • Engine performance improvement
  • Improving fuel efficiency

Choking fuel inhaler problems:

  • Difficulty starting the engine
  • Weak acceleration and irregularity in clouds.
  • Rough engine sound in some cases
  • Throttling and weakness in the engine with a vibration and a spin.
  • An increase in the percentage of carbon monoxide emissions or hydrocarbon emissions, which appears in the form of black smoke
  • Irregular fuel consumption
  • A complete stop of the aerosol, which causes the engine to stop completely.

Causes of clogging of nebulizers
1- Using poor-quality fuel, as it may contain high lead or other impurities.

2- Neglecting to replace the fuel filter regularly.

3- Using the car when the fuel level inside the tank is very low.

What is a nebulizer cleaner and why do you need it
Different chemicals are used at different concentrations for cleaning nebulizers from the effects of carbon accumulation, as these materials ensure the restoration of engine power and fuel efficiency, and these materials include:

PEA cleaning fluid that contains polyethamine, which will dissolve thicker carbon deposits more effectively than other ingredients.

Cleaners containing polyisobutene (PIB) will prevent new deposits but will not remove pre-existing ones.

Detergents containing polyisobutylene amine (PIBA) will remove and prevent build-up, but are lighter and less effective than PEA cleaning fluids.

How to clean a nebulizer
You can clean the sprays manually without going to the service center. The way to use gasoline detergent is not complicated, as you can buy a bottle of spray cleaning fluid from gas stations or car accessories stores, and add it to the fuel inside the tank when filling, this process is also called cleaning the sprays with thinner.

Some of the bottles available in the market require you to use all the cleaning fluid in them to get the desired result, but there are brands that specify the amount of liquid that you should use, depending on the amount of fuel that you put in the tank, search with the seller for the best cleaning fluid for the sprays. The way to use a spray cleaner is easy. As we said, you can choose one of the two methods

A- How to clean your fuel inhalers
Put all the liquid into the fuel tank.
Try to have the tanki half full.

Turn off the engine when filling the tank with Injections cleaner

After adding fluid, start the engine for a short time.

Touching the liquid inside the package may cause you to burn, and inhaling the liquid’s smell may expose you to dizziness.

B- Cleaning the nebulizer with the device
If you do not want to clean it yourself, then you can seek the help of a car maintenance center to determine the causes of clogged sprays and clean them. The technician will disassemble it, place it in a nebulizer cleaner to complete the process, and then reattach it.

How to maintain fuel sprays after cleaning them
If you have just cleaned engine inhalers, you will need to keep them clean for as long as possible, in the following ways:

Use high-octane fuel.

You can use fuels that contain detergents if they are available in your country.

Clean the fuel inhalers once a year.

Avoid stopping the car for a long time without movement and operation. When the time spent in the fuel tank increases, part of it may evaporate, which leads to the formation of deposits in the injection system.If you must stop your car for a long time without running, then you must add a fuel evaporation ban to the tank at the last fuel fill, and then start the engine for at least 15 minutes.

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